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Saadia Organics Blog — best argan oil

Why I Don't Use My Own Argan Oil as Often as I Should

I have a confession to make.   I am the very proud owner and founder of Saadia Organics Argan Oil.  And - I don't use my own product every single day.   There, I said it.  Not easy, but true. But why?  Is it because I don't believe that it's amazing?  Not at all.  Let me explain. One might think that since I pretty much have unlimited access to this wonderful product, that I'd practically be bathing in it.   I should have the most incredible hair.   I should have skin that absolutely glows and is completely wrinkle and...

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Argan Oil Production

Argan Oil Production: Chemical Solvents, Machine Made, or Cold-Pressed by Hand? Before machines became a possibility, all Argan Oil was extracted by hand, through hours of grinding and pressing the kernels from the pit of the Argan fruit. This produced Argan Oil that was thicker, richer, aromatic, and extremely beneficial. However, it also took an average of 14 hours to produce 1 litre of oil. (And that's just to press the oil!  It does not account for the laborious hours it takes to gather the fruit, strip the outer layer off, and crack the pits to get the kernels out.)...

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A Saadia Organics Review- by Joyce Keller

A Saadia Organics Review After my experience with argan oil, I wanted to offer a Saadia Organics review. I guess I will start at the beginning about how I began using Saadia’s Argan Oil. My daughter, Joèl, called me one night in January 2011 and asked me if I would like to go to Morocco with her. It was a deal we couldn’t refuse. Since I had never been anywhere in Africa before, and with the encouragement from my husband, I decided to accept the chance of a lifetime to go.  The most exciting part for me was to meet...

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What is the Best Brand of Argan Oil?

The Best Brand of Argan Oil We've said it before, and we will say it again. All brands of Argan Oil are not created equal. It's sad, but true. What is the best brand of argan oil? There are three things to look for as you decide on which brand of Argan Oil to spend your money on. First, it needs to be authentic. If it's not real Argan Oil, it's not worth buying. There is a lot of junky stuff available that is trying to pass for Argan Oil. Some of these products contain as little Argan Oil as...

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Pure Argan Oil: Is that product really pure?

I'm tempted to call this post: "What does Argan Oil for cosmetic use have to do with breakfast?" But I'll just stick with the original as written above. Everywhere you turn in the beauty aisle you're now seeing the words "Argan Oil". Are all of these products created equal? Of course not. A lot of people ask us what the difference is between our product here at Saadia Organics and the ones they see in their hair salon, for example. Well, for starters, our product is 100% pure, unadulterated Argan Oil. Anything you'll see in a hair salon will most...

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